Sunday, November 21, 2010


I'm not sure if I know all the rules or requirements for our weekly blog entries, but today I feel like just writing as if it was my journal.  This is just what's on my mind right now, and I hope it's legal to do this.  I randomly have had the desire to go fishing for over a week now.  I would love to just head up the Provo River a little bit and drop a line in the water.  I haven't been since I've been home from my mission.  Also, I want to get back into rock climbing and camping.  School has kind of separated me from many of my hobbies.  I spend hours on end indoors studying and my desire to be free and in the woods has been building up inside of me for a long time.  I feel like going to Cabela's just to feed the flame.  Unfortunately, I'm going to have to plan very carefully if I want to be able to fit those things in in the near future, because after a short Thanksgiving break, it'll be the home stretch for school and I imagine that things will be pretty busy.  I do have to admit, though, this semester has flown by!  It is almost over already.  Yikes! Yes!

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