Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Required Blog Post

Well, here we are at the end of the semester.  Time has flown by, like always.  I feel that it's appropriate to take a moment and express my sincere feelings towards my blog and the experience that I've had being a blogger.  I admit, when we were first given the assignment to create and maintain an active blog, I felt a little anxious and nervous.  I had only heard about blogs in the movies and thought you had to be really cool to have a blog.  I wasn't even sure how to spell "blog," but I hesitantly signed up anyway.  My first few posts came only after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.  Gradually, though, as the semester passed, I felt more and more confidence in my writing.  I even began sharing very personal feelings, hopes, and dreams, including a heartfelt poem that I had written in the silence of a dark, cold night.  Now, as I ponder on all the many things that I have learned over the last few months, I realize that blogging, to me, has become something far greater than a weekly assignment.  It truly has become a delightful dive into my distant dreams (note the alliteration, a sure sign of an ace writer).

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Serving the Stressed

This is a formal report of the assignment given from Shayne to find someone even more stressed than myself and do something nice for them.  I really took this seriously and was looking all week for just the right individual who was pushed to the limit and who could really use a helping hand.  I think I must have been inspired, because of all people, I thought of my very own sister and concluded that she would be a great candidate (I've been sarcastic, it was actually a Sunday night, last minute cop out).  I called her up and asked if I could do her dishes.  She liked the idea of course, but said that she and five or six other girls were still eating dinner and that I should come over a little later.  When I heard that, I knew that I had been inspired to call her.  Now I was going to get the chance to be "caught in the act" of serving by a whole group of girls.  I went over at the time my sister designated and pretended to be shocked that a whole dinner group was gathered, even though I already knew they were there.  I collected the dishes from each of the girls while they were still seated and got to meet each of them.  What a deal!  True service should come from the heart and isn't rendered to attract the praise of the world, but it is really nice to show up at the right place at the right time and attract the praise of six girls just by fulfilling a mandatory service assignment!